How to Prevent Headaches in Disney World
How to Prevent Headaches in Disney World

How to Prevent Headaches in Disney World

I’ve taken my kids to Disney World numerous times over the past few years, and each time I go, I get migraines. Over the years, I have created many techniques to assist stop and avoid migraine attacks.   If you’ve been with me from the start, you are aware that this is not the first post I’ve made on Disney princesses (Snow White and A Whole New World both describe me).  Since I was a young child, I have loved everything Disney, therefore it has made me very happy to watch my kids fall in love as well.  I plan, I save, and I get excited when my family’s objectives are accomplished.

These tips may reduce the frequency and intensity of migraine attacks, even though they might not be 100% successful in preventing them. You should prioritize your health and pay attention to your body when visiting Disney World or any other theme park.

Advice for Disney World and Headaches

Riding the rides is my particular favorite thing to do.  I used to be so afraid of rides, but now I kind of adore them.  These days, I’m afraid of jerky movements, flashing lights, and all the other things that used to cause migraine symptoms.  In addition, I’m tired of the weather, my food, stress, fatigue, and dehydration. When I visit a park, I always consider ride intensity. At Disney World, there are some dramatic rides and attractions that feature 3D effects, loud lights, and abrupt motions. If any of these things give you migraines, it might be preferable to avoid those specific experiences or go for less intense ones. Check out my suggestions for motion sickness at Universal Studios if, like me, you have motion sickness. They also apply here.

Be Prepared for Migraine Attacks

Make a strategic plan for the day: Disney World’s abundance of entertainment, activities, and visitors might be daunting. Make sure to schedule your activities so that breaks are taken and that you don’t rush through them. Take it slow and give your top priority to the things that are truly important to you.

Medication and Supplements

Take your medication and supplements with you.  Nothing is more terrible than having a migraine episode and not being able to control it or take medication. There isn’t enough time to take a bus or any other kind of conveyance back. I therefore always carry my medications. If you forget to take your prescription, over-the-counter alternatives are offered at the cashier’s desk. Visit a first aid station to prevent the costly consequences of forgetting your medication.  Head over to a first aid station where you may speak with a nurse and receive what you need, possibly for free, to avoid the costly consequences of missing your medication.


One of the most typical causes of migraine headaches is dehydration. Be sure to stay hydrated throughout the day, especially if it’s hot outside or you’re working exercise. Make sure you hydrate frequently and carry a reusable water bottle with you at all times.  We also rely on our reusable mugs to keep us hydrated all day. In restaurants, request a refill so you may take them with you. If you prefer a more concentrated hydration boost and dislike the flavor of Florida water, bring drink mixes.


In addition to dehydration, another trigger is cooling or overheating. My family and I travel with portable fans because summertime in Florida is hot for everyone. Colling towels are essential as well.


Restrict what you eat and drink. For some people, specific meals and drinks might act as triggers for migraines. Choose carefully, particularly if you are aware of particular dietary triggers. Choose well-balanced meals and refrain from consuming too much alcohol or caffeine. I also stuff my back with an abundance of satisfying and healthful snacks.

Sun Protection

Put on a cap and shades. For certain people, bright lights and sunlight can be migraine triggers. To reduce exposure to direct sunlight, use a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses with polarised lenses to protect your eyes. I make sure that everyone has hats and sunglasses while we wait in the sun. We always go to concerts, and lunch at cool, dimly lit restaurants, and window shops to escape the heat and fatigue of the day. I was about to pass out in Hollywood Studios on my most recent trip, but I was saved by a 7-minute Little Mermaid show!

Disney World’s Crowds

All excellent things have a dark side. To my happy surprise, not much negative happened to me throughout my stay to Disney World.  The negative thing I observed were those who lacked gratitude.

So here’s what’s wrong with Disney World: resentful adults.  Because I always remind myself that these kids are just ignorant, I have always been able to work with challenging kids.  Adults don’t have my sympathy for that.

I spotted the most unappreciative man while I was waiting for my family to return after a toilet break (I told you we were hydrated!). His daughter (or grandchild, I couldn’t tell) was screaming at him when she suddenly halted in front of me because her band-aid had fallen off her hand.

First of all, bandages come off on hands in motion. Secondly, he should be ashamed for shouting at and making fun of his daughter over something so trivial. I felt the rage rising in me as she hung her head.

Bad Time to Go to Disney World

I contacted my best buddy, saying I was thinking of giving his kid an extra band-aid to put in her pocket and maybe tripping on him and perhaps scraping his hand.  I never leave the house without band-aids.  Children need to be bandaged after they fall.  Sometimes a band-aid just makes them feel better, even in the absence of blood. What you know doesn’t help them is being yelled at in front of a crowd of people.  

How unappreciative!  I was sitting there thinking of the Make-a-Wish family that had just passed by, and he was worrying about this insignificant detail of his day.  That family probably didn’t give a Band-Aid much thought.  They must have had serious and pressing concerns, and they would have done everything to get their largest issue resolved with a band-aid. Because they are aware of BIG issues, that family was grinning, joking, and not stressing about such petty issues. I hope the man’s family can speak with him and let him know what true fury feels like. Not resentment towards their child, but rather resentment towards their circumstances.

Disney Dream versus Disney Magic

My husband asked me whether I was going to make it as he and my son were heading out to the Lego store.  Allow me to share with you the inspiration of a stay-at-home mother who sees her daughter blossom into a princess.  The previous day, my daughter told me that she had requested to become a princess on her “wishing star.”  Even though I work for free, seeing my sweet girl’s dream come true pays the bills. 

Due to my tendency to throw up during migraine episodes, I made the conscious decision to remain and fully immerse myself in the experience despite being mindful of the seats nearby and the trash cans. I would have had to tap out if my pain level had been a little bit higher. Though this was an extraordinary situation, don’t believe I’m telling you I can accomplish anything if I’m driven enough. To be honest, I don’t know how I managed to get out of bed when I should have been in bed. 

Fewer Odors

I questioned our fair Godmother about the differences as we got situated. I felt much more at ease because the air was breathable and didn’t require a trigger. The response was Sprout Original. Then she told me about how their previous hairspray was causing headaches in young girls since it was so stiff. When she used the term “headache,” my ears perked up since I tried my hardest to avoid headaches in my family.

Disney World transitioned to using Original Sprout products to offer young girls a less rigid and more natural-looking haircut. Their response to providing families with a “soft, strong, healthy hold” that offers thicker, luscious locks day and night amazed me greatly. “For all hair types & textures with organic extracts & plant proteins to help strengthen & smooth,” said the description of the Natural Finishing Mist.  The calming natural ingredients significantly improved the air quality and served as a migraine trigger.

When Original Sprout items were used, the experience was far more enjoyable.  Thank you to Original Sprout for providing products to trial after I fell in love with your range, and thank you to Disney World for making the conscientious decision to switch to them.

disney world headaches


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